Thursday, October 8, 2009

Questions for my research topic...

Q1. What can we hear underwater? Are these sounds from the ocean(ambient sounds)?
Are these sounds man made?
Are they made by animals?
What effects what we hear underwater?
Do the surface of the sea and the seabed have an effect on what we hear? How do they effect what we hear?

Q2. How is sound propagated through the medium of water, in comparison with air?
What are the principles of sound propagation underwater?
Can these tell us what sounds we are likely to hear underwater? For example, the most prominent frequencies, amplitudes, timbre etc.

Q3. How do we hear underwater?
If we hear something through the medium of water, can we tell what it is in the same way that we could by hearing it through the medium of air?
How does water in the ear effect hearing?
Would an understanding of sound propagation in water and how we hear differently in water, then help us to learn how to determine different sounds underwater, that we would otherwise not be able to comprehend/make sense of?

Q4. What should be considered when recording underwater? What are the best techniques for recording?

Q5. How can we recreate this experience of underwater sounds, using the medium of air?
Are there methods of synthesis that might help?
What do divers experience/hear?

Q6. How can we "fix" recorded sounds, to sound best when put through the medium of water?
What principles should be considered/implemented for arranging sound or tampering with raw sound recordings?

Q7. How do we as humans effect marine life? How do we effect marine life navigation?

Q8. What don't we understand about the sea? In particular, sound in the sea, (for example, how whales hear - we assume that the frequency threshold of whales can be determined by the frequencies they produce, however, this is not certain - we do not know exactly what they can hear).
Could these phenomena be examined and used to recreate sound in a musical aesthetic?

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